Wednesday 27 January 2016

How Artificial Intelligence and Expert System can Increase Car Sale?

Everyone is familiar, that experienced employee can approach to problem in better way. A person with ten year experience is always better than one year experienced person because of perfection in work.
“ then ” 

How about the Expert System?

Every salesman do his/her best to sell car. But the breakdown understanding of car shopper is very difficult in term of  1)Knowledge 2)Attention 3)Memory 4)Working memory 5)Judgment 6)Evaluation 7)Reasoning 8)Computation 9)problem solving and decision making. 
Data Science, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence based Expert system can understand car shopper.
1) Knowledge :-  is familiarity, awareness or understanding of car model (along with brand) by the car shopper. What car shopper know about the car? 
2) Attention :- Attention remains a major area of investigation by the car shopper at dealership. What car shopper is looking for?
3) Memory :- Cognitive neurosciences consider memory as the retention, reactivation, and reconstruction of the experience-independent internal representation. What car shopper has in his mind? (Things car shopper like).
4) Working memory :- The car shopper experience with the car model (shopper with Brand loyalty) comes under the working memory. What is the need of the car shopper?
5) Judgment :- A judgment is a judgment of the rightness or wrongness of car shopper to car. This is one step forward, in which car shopper judge the car with specific factors of car. Which is a best car for car shopper? (With respect to need likability and finance etc.).
 6) Evaluation :-  is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using car shopper criteria. How to find the best match for the car shopper? (Kind of recommendation tool)
7) Reasoning :- Certain set of reasons  in car shopper mind about car. How to make car shopper more confident and informed about the car model?
8) Computation :- is a calculation of car shopper budget that follows a well-defined model and that can predict future of car shopper. Why is future of car shopper after buying a specific car model?
9) Decision making :- Decision-making is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the car shopper.How to help  car shopper in choosing  with his values and preferences?


   Our Artificial  intelligent system  can solve above problem with help of algorithms. If we can solve the problem of car shopper that means " Car sale is easy for us " and Expert system can increase the car sales at dealership.  

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